Weather’s changing, skin’s changing

That’s right as the weather is changing and we are preparing for autumn our skin is changing with it.

With the dark nights slowly drawing in so is the change in our skin.

What can we do?

Well, as the heating is being switched on this will result in our skin starting to become a bit dryer and a little more dull in appearance.

Here’s what I’d recommend.

Use a more rich moisturiser to help keep the skin hydrated.

Exfoliate 2-3x a week to help the skin cell turn over. This also removes dead skin so it will leave your skin looking more radiant.

Face mask at least once a week – use either a hydrating, revitalising or brightening face mask.

If you’re still struggling I’d suggest looking at either a hydrating serum or a brightening serum.

I hope you all having glowing skin through autumn.

Love Ells xxxxxx

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